Walther League Redux

About the blog:

From 1893 to 1968, hundreds of thousands of young men and women joined the International Walther League, an association of young adult societies and, later, youth groups in the LCMS. Today, young adult retention in the LCMS is abysmal, with an estimated two-thirds of members leaving after confirmation, most of whom leave the church after high school. To help stem these losses, I believe we should create a new national LCMS young adult association, taking as a starting point the practices of the old Walther League. The blog exists to promote this cause.

If you’re new, start here: A Plea for the Walther League.
You may also be interested in A Short History of the Walther League.


1/15/2023: Fort Wayne
12/16/2022: Reprint: Walther League Kultur
12/14/2022: What’s in a Name?
12/12/2022: Inauspicious Beginnings
12/6/2022: A Short History of the Walther League
12/3/2022: A Plea for the Walther League